Member Awards

Beginning in 2008, Tri gulf Coast began to recognize members who had distinguished themselves as an exceptional part of our community with annual awards. This started with Athlete of the year, and over time has expanded to include the categories described below. We take great pride in our entire membership, so being recognized by the club as an exceptional person in an already exceptional group is an honor indeed!

Note: Due to a greatly diminished 2020 season (thanks COVID!), we gave special “Covii” awards that year.

TGC Awards through 2015. Click to enlarge.

Male/Female Athlete of the Year

This award recognizes a TGC member who has not only excelled in the sport, but also has distinguished themselves by their efforts to give back to the the sport and to promote triathlon. Beginning in 2015 we began presenting this award to both a male and female. Prior to that we presented one award per year.

Award winners, past and present:

  • Female
    • 2021 – Carol Gentry
    • 2019 – Valerie Shows
    • 2018 – Kim White
    • 2017 – Helen Cain
    • 2016 – Amy Simonetta
    • 2015 – Jeannie Runyon
    • 2012 – Mindi Straw
    • 2009 – Jules Kariher
  • Male
    • 2021 – Ryan Crisco
    • 2019 – Robert Barth
    • 2018 – Dominick “Lil’ Dom” Zambrano
    • 2017 – Anthony Guarini
    • 2016 – Aaron Widman
    • 2015 – Doug Jones
    • 2014 – Chris Hicks
    • 2013 – Kevin Swenson
    • 2011 – Evan Malone
    • 2010 – Andrew Rothfeder
    • 2008 – Mark Sortino

Male/Female Rookie of the Year

This award recognizes a member who has entered the sport the same year of the award and truly embraced it and shown great gains. This award exemplifies how Tri Gulf coast has always had a strong focus on welcoming new athletes to the sport and encouraging their progress. We award one male and one female each season.

Award winners, past and present:

  • Female
    • 2021 – Lisa Aylstock
    • 2019 – Amy Rose
    • 2018 – Lindsey Whidden
    • 2017 – Victoria Wonson
    • 2016 – Karen Longoria
    • 2015 – Christine Sternjacob
    • 2014 – Jackie Kozakowsi
    • 2013 – Jessica Bradley
    • 2012 – Sara Stackpole
    • 2011 – Dawn van den Berg
  • Male
    • 2021 – Greg Miller
    • 2019 – Joey Beckman
    • 2018 – Mike Boitnott
    • 2017 – Deen Flores
    • 2016 – Gary James
    • 2015 – Robbie Baker
    • 2014 – Mark Prack
    • 2013 – Aaron Runyon
    • 2012 – Jason Vaughn
    • 2011 – Perry Palmer

Charlie Knight Volunteer of the Year Award

Tri Gulf coast is a 100% volunteer organization. There is no question that this is key to our success and growth as a club. As one of the founders of Tri Gulf Coast, Charlie Knight was the very personification of the principles behind this award. When Charles passed away, TGC named the award in his honor. This award recognizes a TGC member who has gone above and beyond in their volunteer efforts to support our members.

Award winners, past and present:

  • 2021 -Jeanette Plichta
  • 2019 – Lee Dillow
  • 2018 – Patrick Willi
  • 2017 – Charles Bone III
  • 2016 – Amanda Longoria
  • 2015 – Kevin Swenson
  • 2014 – Lauren Clifford
  • 2013 – Nancy Brashears Clarke
  • 2012 – Robert de Varona
  • 2011 – Bill Evans
  • 2010 – Stan Adams

Grace Ruckstuhl Swimmer of the Year Award

If you talk to a swimmer in the Florida Panhandle, it’s very likely that Grace Ruckstuhl is part of their story. She was one of the founding members of Tri Gulf Coast, and an integral part of the creation of our Mere Mortals program. Grace taught generations of Pensacolians to swim, and this award for outstanding swimming performance is named in her honor.

  • 2021 Kevin Kropp
  • 2019 – Malcolm Marsh

Tom Henderson Mentor of the Year Award

Since the focus of our Mere Mortals training program has been to support and encourage new triathletes as they are introduced to the sport, the club has added this award to recognize those volunteers who have gone out of their way to directly mentor and guide anyone who is looking for a little extra help and advice. The award was named in recognition of Tom Henderson for many years of service coordinating the Mere Mortals training group.

  • 2021 – Teresa Hess
  • 2019 – Danika Turner
  • 2018 – Michele Tierney & Robbie Mott
  • 2017 – John Murray
  • 2016 – Evan Malone
  • 2015 – Stan Adams

2020 Covii Awards for Perseverance in Athletics
(during the “lost” year)

  • Lisa Alystock
  • Jason Cawby
  • Carol Gentry
  • Michael Hoeflich
  • Andy Meyerholz
  • Drew Pemberton
  • Valerie Shows
  • Brian Webster